Follow the Northern Star

Follow the Northern Star
By Banbharun Temair ingen Muiredaich (Ann A. Straut)
Written: 4/28/04 while stuck in traffic

My love has gone and left me
            called to fight in the War
I know that he still loves me
            and follows the Northern Star

We are the Northern Army
            come to win the War (or listen and hear us roar)
Fighting for what we believe in
We follow the Northern Star

Our Chiv barely wear any armor
            They don’t need to rhino hide
They’re so quick that you can’t see them
            ‘Till they hit you from your offside

Our Unbelts use many weapons
            pole, sword, spear and axe
They often outrun their Chiv’rly
            In their eagerness to attack

Don’t worry ‘bout the rabble
            They always have some fun
Gang up on the enemy
            and beat ‘em ‘till they’re done

Others have learned to fear us
            Run from the field they may
Thinking to live ‘til tomorrow
            Our archers kill them anyway

Bridge, field or mountain pass,
            castle it doesn’t matter
Outnumbered or outflanked
            Our ballista will make you flatter

Northern Shores, North or Central
            Our Army takes all kinds
We even let Feral lead us
            ‘cause it’s just a “State of Mind”


We are the Northern Army
            come to win the War
Fighting for what we believe in  (Fighting for King and Kingdom)
We follow the Northern Star (listen and hear us roar)

Our Chiv barely wear any armor
            They don’t need to rhino hide
They’re so quick that you can’t see them
            ‘Till they hit you from your offside (blind side)
