East Called to Battle

East Called to Battle

(Tune: Bonnie Dundee)
Inspired by Hector of Black Heights version written for Ealdormere.
Words Copyright Ann A. Straut (7/19/04)

To the Chiv of the Eastrealm Prince Thorson did speak,
Proclaiming no word-fame will there be for the meek.
Should your mark do wish to make on this day,
Then to arms does he call you to get in the fray

The Dragon is mighty, the Dragon is proud,
His teeth are sharp and his roar is fair loud.
But we’re of the East and proud we might be
To fight with Prince Thorson for eternal glory

To the North he called for men from the Shores
Come fight like the men we’re told of in lores
Bring forth all your fighters no matter their rank
We need all our men to send in their flank


To the South he called for their shields and their swords
To the fair fighting households he sent them these words
You may give them fair fight, but give them no slack
For it’s War we are at, now prepare to attack


To the West Thorson called men to hold the line
Mighty households in the North would get there in time
To these households did he send but one word
Kill was all that was needed to be heard


To the Baronies of the East did Prince Thorson say
Send all your men on this fine fighting day
We will hit them hard on our western front
We'll drink from their helmets after finishing the hunt


Gather up your swords and bring you your bow,
Hear the cheers from the ladies for to battle we go.
The dragon may beckon, but soon he will flee,
Come and fight for the Eastrealm and eternal glory.
