Troubador Scroll Wording

This poem was written for Baroness Selena D’Ambra for her Order of the Troubador which was awarded in the East Kingdom on 10/2/04 at the Coronation of Thorvald Halvorsen and Svava Thorgeirsdottir. 

The poem is in iambic pentameter (think "Sing a Song of Sixpence").  The last line doesn't quite scan, but I had to get the "required information" into the poem.  Just say the letters AS instead of Anno Societatis – it helps with singing it all.
By Banbharun Temair ingen Muiredaich/ Ann A. Straut

There is an Eastern filker
Who sings for the King
Making up her silly songs
She leaves us all laughing

No topic is sacred
From Selena D’Ambra
She’s even sings songs of
Royalty faux pas

Now Thorson will reward her
With Svava by his side
King and Queen of the East
With word-fame they abide

Today’s Their Coronation
They make her a Troubador
In the Barony of Carolingia
22 October AS 34
