Knight's Belt

My husband, Baron Osgkar of the Wood, was knighted at 12th Night on 1/8/05. This belt was a joint effort. Mistress Danabren carved the mold for the belt tip, Baroness Ysabella carved the mold for the stag, Lady Carowyn carved the mold for the moon and Lord Corwyn poured the pewter into the molds for us. Carowyn and Corwyn finished the pieces (filing and sanding) and enameled the belt tip. I enameled the stags and moons (to make them stand out more) and mounted them on the belt itself.

White leather belt was purchased (edges dyed by myself), nasty rivets (to be replaced at a later time) and pewter.

First, the molds were carved into the soapstone. After some initial frustration, we learned some better carving techniques and were off. Pewter bricks were melted and used to pour the molds. The finished products were removed from the molds, cleaned and drilled.

The leather belt was prepped by finishing the edges with white leather dye and polishing the belt. The spacing was determined and holes punched and then the pewter pieces riveted into place. Then the belt was polished again to remove scuffs made during the process of mounting the pieces.

Moons before and after enameling
Mold by Lady Carowyn

Stags before and after enameling
Mold by Baroness Ysabella

Belt tip after enameling
Mold by Mistress Danabren

Full belt

Full belt
