Visconti Hours Peacocks

Baroness Ysabella du Draguignan Maunche 02/05/05
This scroll was awarded in the East Kingdom on 02/05/05 at Fields of Gold by Thorvald Halvorsen and Svava Thorgeirsdottir in the Shire of Silver Rylle. The scroll is based on the Visconti Hours LF 130v "Spies of Herico Hidden (Hours of the Holy Ghost, Terce)". The original manuscript is from approximately 1402-1412. The scroll is done on velum with gouache and shell gold.

Maunche scroll. 
The Maunche is the East Kingdom award for Arts & Sciences - Ys got hers for illustration.

Picture of the original manuscript.
The scan does not do the color justice.
