New Favor for Crown

I felt my consort was in need of a new favor since I hadn't made him a new one in a few years. This item was completed in one day with what was on hand.

Period materials would have included linen and silk. I used what was on hand and I won't even try to say that the fabric is linen. Real linen shouldn't feel and stretch and like that. I will hazard a guess that is is a blend with some cotton in it... The thread is 5-strand embroidery floss.

I started by sketching the pattern on to the fabric and then hand embroidering as I wished. Given more time, I would have added a nice border. The piece was done with no knots. I did add a backing piece and whip stitch it to the front leaving a "pocket" for a belt to go through (the style my consort likes best). I spent about 8 hours total on the piece (the stain stitching took longest) and would have spent WAY more time, but I felt a strong urgency that Osgkar should have a new favor for Crown Tourney and had to stop when I did.

New Favor for Fall Crown
Satin stitch outlined with chain stitch
