Pewter Casting

My husband, Sir Osgkar of the Wood, will be holding the field against all comers at Pennsic to raise money for Mikkel the Builder who was hit by a drunk driver after he left the local fight practice on his motor cycle. These were a last minute, "what do I have to make favors from" effort and I relearned some lessons... I also worked on coins for Sir Osgkar, but they didn't get finished.

A pewter alloy I had purchased some time ago, soapstone, a rotary tool, a pan that will never be used for anything else, oven mitts, and pliers

First, the molds were carved into the soapstone. Once I realized I wasn't going to be able to get the detail I wanted because all my bits never came home from the last time I did this in 2005, I changed the picture and moved on. Once the molds were carved, I melted the alloy brick on the stove (melted on high and turned to medium to keep it fluid) and poured the molds. I kept messing with the molds until I got a decent product. The finished products were removed from the molds, and Sir OW will finish cleaning them and provide cords at Pennsic.

The initial design for the pendant and the coin

The initial molds

The alloy brick starting to melt

Full melt - I just really liked this picture

The poured mold

Cracked open to remove

The original design fresh from the mold. Too busy and the detail was horrible.

An overpoured mold makes a double mold!!! This got remelted...

The final mold

The final mold and products ready to be cleaned
