Poem for Ivar

A poem for Ivar Volosatoi in honor of his knighting at John Barleycorn 10 September 2011
By Temair ingen Muiredaich, Maistreas

As he prepares to kneel          before the Crown
Let us sing his praises             as shields we pound
Of Ivar, it is said                      soft spoken he
The most faithful a friend      of all men be

His love for his Lady              a joy behold
Kindness and forgiveness      from him well known
Patience his virtue                  honor steely
Both learned and learning     he gives freely

His service to kingdom          and baronies
Both on and off field              his victories
He shines in the lists               and in melee       
His time as unbelt                   is done this day

Within a reminder                  Pennsic Forty
Last battlefield treading         unbelted he
Today accepts the belt,           the spurs and chain
We say, “You are my peer!”  with great acclaim
