Saturday 11/9/13
In the morning I took Join Together: Six Join As You Go Crochet Methods with Edie Echman. I learned this is called JAYGo. It was so much faster than joining individually and looked better than sewing, but I walked away feeling like I learned 4 methods instead of 6. Being a fairly new crocheter, this could be true, but I did like the method and came back excited to finish my piece-meal afghans ;-)
In the morning I took Join Together: Six Join As You Go Crochet Methods with Edie Echman. I learned this is called JAYGo. It was so much faster than joining individually and looked better than sewing, but I walked away feeling like I learned 4 methods instead of 6. Being a fairly new crocheter, this could be true, but I did like the method and came back excited to finish my piece-meal afghans ;-)
These were joined with a flat join
These were done with slip stitch and crochet joins
This was done JAYGo - You start in the top right corner and add the last row and continue on so you wind up with 2 ends to weave in. It was pretty cool once you got the hang of it.
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