Hello Fresh - Chicken Under a Zucchini Blanket

Time to make the first meal.

The ingredients in the smaller box.  Each smaller box is labeled so you won't be guessing which goes with which meal.

Everything placed on the cookie sheet as instructed.  Hopefully luck is on my side!

Cooking the string beans.  A bit stingy on the veggies for my taste.

The card front

Identification of the raw food for those that are unfamiliar...

General information

Step-by-step instructions

Mashing my smashies

Finished beans

Finished chicken, zuchinni, etc

Plated.  Not quite like the card as I didn't like the herbs provided so I improvised.

It was a filling meal and I had chicken for lunch the next day.  I could make this again without getting it in a box, but it was quick and easy and I can see why people might like to get their meals this way.
