Pleasing Plaits, Beautiful Braids - Stitches United Class

I took this class at Stitches United with Beth Whiteside.  Some of the stitches were complicated, but some of them were a "duh" moment.  This will take practice, but makes beautiful raised stitches.


50yds each #4 worsted weight yarn in light or bright complimentary colors.
24" (60cm) circular needles in size appropriate for yarn

First I had to do the homework.  This was a new cast on for me.

Some examples by Beth Whiteside

Some examples by Beth Whiteside

Some examples by Beth Whiteside

Some examples by Beth Whiteside

The backside of the above piece by Beth Whiteside

Example piece by Beth Whiteside

Example by Beth Whiteside

BAck of above piece by Beth Whiteside

Example piece by Beth Whiteside

Back of above piece by Beth Whiteside

My class work.  
