Threaded Button Class Week 4

I took a four-part class online through The Lace Museum.  Week 4 covered other types of buttons.

The first button is called a Yorkshire button.

For this one we did a bit of weaving.

Tightening the center

Putting the knots on.  

Adding more thread

Mostly finished - now to take it off and finish it

Forming the buttone

Ready for stuffing

Stuffed and closed

The second button is a pinwheel.  Another "woven" button.
Both this button and the next use a covered button.  So step 1 was cover and  pad a button.

This starts as a 6-spoke star

Then you weave/knot from the outside in

I pulled to tight, but this is the general idea.

The third button is a Teneriffe Button.

Back to the lace pillow...

After the center knotting you do some teneriffe knots.

Once done, you remove it and attach it to the prepated button.

Week 3 buttons
