German Button Class Session 1

 So we started a button class using the book "Posamentenknöpfe" ISBN 978-3-934113-13-8.  The entire book is in German.  The title translates to trimming buttons.  As part of the learning process, there was a whole new lingo to learn.  

Tour - 1 full wrap around.  The button on the top left has 2 tours.

Spokes - the number of arms or spokes like on a wheel.  The button on the top left has 4 spokes.

Anchors - wrapped similar to tours, the anchors are usually 2 tours which are used to anchor other tours.  The button in the bottom row center has 3 tours and  6 anchors.  The anchors are used to hold the tours in place such as the bottom right button.

So the first week was about preparing the basics for the buttons we'll be making further along in the book.

Top Row left to right:

2 woven tours (4 spokes)

3 tours - 4 wraps per our (8 spokes)

3 tours - wide tours

Middle Row left to right:

3 tours using a gimlet (button tool)

4 tours

4 tours with a gimlet

Bottom Row left to right:

6 corner anchors and 3 tours over he top

8 tours

"Smooth" button with 8 tours
